Opening hours during summer

Here is a list of the opening hours of our services during summer. Canteen | Housing | Health | Rokken | Kindergarten
The Canteen is closed from 22nd of June, and opens again the 5th of August.
Our Reception is open all summer.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-15.00
Contact us by email: / tel. 700 75 240
Or come by the reception.
Problems with your apartment is registered at my page as usual.
Dersom det oppstår noko som må reparerast/ha tilsyn snarast utanom vår ordinære opningstid:
Kontakt vaktselskapset Safe24 på tlf. 700 79 000.
The Student guidance counsellor is on vacation week 28, 29, 30 and 31.
Need someone to talk to during summer?
We know holidays can be a challenging time. If you need someone to talk to during summer, there are some services available.
Here are some of them:
Studentphone: 116 123 (dial 3) open all days between 18.00 – 02.00
Kirkens SOS, krisetelefon: 22 40 00 40
Mental Helse, hjelpetelefon: 116 123
Red Cross for children and youths: 800 33 321
Rokken is closed from June 15th until August 17th.
Rokken Café
Rokken Café is closed from June 22nd, and opens again August 5th.
Røysmarka studentbarnehage is closed weeks 28, 29 and 30.