Practical information

Here you will find useful practical information about the kindergarten.
07.30 AM – 4.30 PM
Children must be picked up by 4:30 PM.
By agreement, we can discuss extended opening hours on exam days.
Most group activities take place between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.
Please notify us as early as possible if your child will arrive after 9:30 AM, is sick, or has the day off.
We would like to be informed if someone other than the parents/guardians will be picking up the child.
Breakfast: 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM. Children may bring a healthy packed lunch for breakfast if they wish (milk is provided).
Morning meal: 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM – the children are served a hot meal 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, they get bread, toppings, grains, vegetables, and fruit.
Afternoon meal: 2:00 PM – bread meal/cereal, milk, and fruit.
Other meal arrangements may apply to specific departments.
We celebrate the children with a crown, flag, and birthday song. Parents do not need to bring anything extra. We serve a fruit platter.
See the separate equipment list. Children must have at least one complete change of clothes at the kindergarten (departments have baskets/shelves where clothes can be placed). Please make sure to replenish as needed.
Bring outdoor clothes every day. Indoors, children should have slippers/indoor shoes or anti-slip socks. ALL clothes and equipment must be LABELED. We kindly ask that toys not be brought to kindergarten, though comfort items for sleeping are, of course, allowed.
Clothes should not have long strings that could get caught.
Parents are responsible for providing diapers (preferably not training pants).
Children can sleep outdoors in their own stroller. You must bring mosquito netting, harness, blanket/sleeping bag, and rain cover. Bring a pacifier, bottle, comfort item, etc., if the child uses it. Everything should be labeled with the child’s name.
The Student Welfare Organization sends out invoices for parental fees and meal charges.
Parental fees for fall 2024: Maximum price: NOK 2,000 per month.
Information about reduced parental fees can be found here.
Sibling discount is 30% for the second child and 100% for the third or more children.
Meal fee: NOK 391 per month per child, in addition.
Please remember to update us with any changes in address or phone number. Let us know if there is a change in your internship/workplace.
The annual plan is distributed at the start of the new kindergarten year.
A more detailed plan is distributed each month by the departments.