Fees and charges
Following rates are valid from 01.08.2024
- Cancellations - 350,- NOK
- Cleaning fee per hour - 600,- NOK
- Replacement of nail holes - 100,- NOK
- Noise and domestic disturbance fee - The security company's current rates. Currently 1350,- NOK
- Fee if you are locked out after business hours and need assistance - Currently 875,- NOK
- Keys handed in late without an agreement will lead to additional costs.
Loss of
- System key - 1000,- NOK
- Keyfab - 300,- NOK
- Storage-/mailkey - 100,- NOK
- Laundry card - 200,- NOK
- VØR/garbage card - 200,- NOK
- Mattress cover - 250,- NOK